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What's for Dessert?

May 16, 2020

Give these Banana Oatmeal Chocolate Chip Cookies a try!

Very Simple. Very Easy. 


All you're gonna need is:

vanilla extract        1-2 cups of oats         2 tbsp of cinnamon      1 whole banana      

1/2 cup of blueberries a handful of chocolate chips 

  1. Jumble all of your ingredients together in a bowl. 
  2. On a baking pan, apply olive oil. 
  3. Set your oven to 180 degrees while rolling your base into small individual rolls. 
  4. Place your cookies onto the cooking pan and flatten with a fork. 
  5. Place your cookies into the oven and set for 15 minutes to bake on each side. 
  6. Your cookies should be tender and well uniformed, hindering breakage.

And that's all folks!

Having a healthy eating regime ensures an increased level of livelihood, happiness, and continuous growth. Finding other methods to diversify from simple carbohydrates and added sugars influence the journey of experiencing new recipes which makes trying new foods fun!


Clarity Health

May 16, 2020
Good old lipids a.k.a fats! Yes, the one term that frightens numerous of people in regards to their health. I must admit, although I've been aware of the good and the bad fats, I've never been quite sure as to which fats to avoid, the true benefits of such fats and how I could use them on a regular basis. Moreover, I'm going to talk about the pros and cons of different fatty acids, what they really are and how we can benefit from them.
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